Ruby’s preschool teacher has binders of laminated magazine pages for the kids to look through. She’s taken old issues of the Highlights magazine and the kids love looking through the hidden picture pages. I thought it was a great idea and decided to do the same thing for my own children.
I have lots of FRIEND magazines with easy-reader stories, hidden pictures and mazes! By laminating the pages, they instantly become dry-erase and the kids can use them over and over for church, General Conference, road trips, etc. I had enough issues to fill 2 (1/2″) binders for the kids to share.
Hidden picture pages…
Coloring pages…
Easy Reading Stories…
And blank pages for coloring with dry erase crayons and dry erase markers! I just laminated a sheet of copy paper. Instant white board!
I tore out some of my favorite quotes for the binder covers as well. This whole project was so easy to do. I wish I had thought of doing this years ago!
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