A Small & Simple Birthday Gift {Mason Jar Vase}
 Dallin’s Cub Scout leader had a birthday. I was late in finding out what day it was and saw someone wish her a happy birthday on Facebook. We wanted to do a little something for her too, and since she lives just down the street, we decided to do more than post on her timeline. She is such a sweet lady and Cub Scout leader to Dallin.
 Kaylee donated two Gerber daisies from her garden and I put them in a small mason jar with a decorative lid. These lids are fun to use with straws, bu they work great for making a quick mason jar vase! The gerber daisy’s stem was just the right thickness to slide in. I added a drop of blue food coloring and wrapped the jar in twine.
I was excited to get to try out my new masking stickers that Wholeport sent me. I absolutely love them. They add such a fun added detail to anything and each pack comes so many fun designs.
It was such an easy little gift to put together, but I think it turned out cute.
Bright and cheerful. Just like Sister T!
This post contains sponsored product (masking stickers).
Very Cute!! Where do you find lids like these??
Hi Belle! I found them on ebay! http://www.ebay.com/itm/6-DAISY-CUT-Mason-Jar-LIDS-Vintage-PEWTER-Finish-Wedding-Shower-BBQ-Party-Favor-/130898845852?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1e7a2de09c
that IS a cute idea and she can reuse it as long as she likes! the tape looks good too.
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How adorable is that, I love the fun tape ~ Lisa