1. Timely Watering
2. Light Touch (what kind of light plants need)
3. Good Turn (rotate your plants)
I won’t share details about all of the tips, but I will say that after reading the article, I’m pretty sure I’m failing in #3—rotating my plants! “If you see your plant is leaning toward the light and getting lopsided, rotate the pot every month or so.”
Looks like I need to start rotating this plant to see if there is any hope! The magazine was full of tips for western gardening, ideas for adding plants indoors, pressing leaves, and creating the perfect outdoor room. We have been wanting to take the kids to Yosemite and found a great article about the best time of year to do so to be the crowds!
This time of year can seem so dreary, but being surrounded by bright pops of color really brighten my home and brighten my attitude. It’s a great way to start the new year. Oh, and that delicious hot chocolate that I’m teasing you with? You can learn how to make it here. Now you can sit yourself down for some reading and “me time” too!
This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Real Simple® and Sunset® Magazines but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #NewYearMeTime http://my-disclosur.es/OBsstV
We have moved A LOT in the past few years and I have plants that do beautifully in one home and die in the next. In order to keep from having to repurchase plants, I have started buying silk ones instead. Some I have arranged and some I have bought at the Good Will. Dust them a couple of times a years and you’re good. Just a thought…
We move frequently too, so this is a GREAT tip! I moved with my Lucky Bamboo plant twice. It survived both moves only to die a year after the second one. That’s the only plant I’ve had luck with!
One house plant that is easy to grow and maintain is a pothos. It takes neglect very well. I water it only when the soil feels dry to the touch. It doesn’t necessarily need to be rotated or fertilized. It does well in low light. A very easy plant that is good for beginners.
THANK YOU! I just love indoor plants, but my luck with them hasn’t been the best and buying cut flowers is expensive! I’m looking forward to trying again!