Laundry hack
for organized dresser drawers! File your kid’s laundry into their drawers instead of stacking it. No mess on the floor when they grab clothes!
It’s a never ending struggle to keep up with the hampers, but that’s just the way it is so there’s no use complaining about it. HOWEVER, there is one thing that I will complain about. One thing that drives me INSANE. How many times have you gone to empty the hamper only to find CLEAN clothes in it? Clothes that the kids were too lazy to put away or ended up on the floor so they just assumed they were dirty tossed them in the hamper.
#1 Laundry Hack for Moms: File Laundry Instead of Stacking it Into Drawers
This used to happen all the time in our house! Then I realized that a lot of the clothes ended up on the floor because my kids were looking for a specific shirt and pulled out the others to find it. That’s when I started filing their clothes into their drawers instead of stacking and I have continued to file ever since. A friend shared this tip with me years ago and we’ve been putting our laundry away like this ever since. When clothing is arranged vertically you can see everything in the drawer without moving the other items to get to it. Everything is in view, everything is easily accessible.
It is also really easy to put clothes away like this too. I noticed a huge difference in how much space was available in the drawers by vertically filing everything and also noticed a dramatic difference in how many clothes ended up on the floor.
What do you do to organize your kids’ clothes or ease the burden of doing laundry? Comment below with your favorite laundry hack!
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Alexandra says
Awesome idea! I do this too with my boys pants and shorts. It helps so much, now I just need to do it in my drawers.
My name is Rita says
Much better then stacking! I think I am going to organize the kids drawers this week now. If you get a chance, please link this to my linky party:
[email protected] says
Awesome! I saw this on Pinterest and I want to file my skirt drawer. This is such a great idea!
Konstantina Hancock says
It’s always the simplest ideas that work
Alvano Richie says
Its the most optimized way to fill your drawer, i like that idea and i would like to adopt it for my closet drawers.
Julie Snow says
It’s beautiful!
Brenda says
I have to chuckle at this because I was so frustrated with my husbands t-shirt drawer and would find myself so upset when I went to put away his t-shirts only to find the ones in his drawr messed all up while he was searching for the one he wanted. Plus I couldn’t fit all his shirts in his draw and would beg his to clean out and discard some t-‘s, well he did a few, but not enough to give more space. It was driving me crazy and felt like I was folding for no reason. So one day I was looking at some organizing videos and came across one like this where everything was folded and placed in the drawers just like yours. So I did the same thing!! Boy has that helped with the arguments in my house! lol Now where was this when my 6 boys were little??? lol
JB & KC says
Great Idea!!! I am going to try this with my t shirts and my daugthers clothes
Brandy says
Wonderful! I hope it helps you as much as it has helped us!
Sarah says
Amazing idea!!!! My older son keeps things neat, but my younger one…yikes! This is a perfect solution!
Brandy says
Great! I can’t believe I hadn’t heard of this until a couple of years ago, but it really has made my life so much easier! Have a wonderful weekend!
Janine C says
I agree, it works much better. I have been doing this for a while, in fact thought it was my idea – but great ideas find many homes. I call it vertical storage.
Stephanie says
Awesome! I can’t wait to tackle my little boy’s drawers! No more stirred up drawers for us! Found you through 🙂
Michelle says
I haven’t ever been a “clean drawer” type of person—but here’s to giving it another shot! Brilliant Idea! Thanks!
Shell says
Haha I do this with my drawers after seeing it on one of those we’ll come clean your house & get rid of your junk that you can’t part with shows. I used to be a stacker also but I would flip the clothes on the bottom when I added clean clothes in so that I rotated them. Now it’s just easier to slide the clothes forward & put the clean ones in behind. I just haven’t figured out how to fold pants the way you did. Thanks!
punken says
what a fantastic idea…I have 2 baskets of clothes to put away tonight….perfect time to reorganize:)
Karli says
Brilliant! Thanks for the pics. I saw your post on FB but didn’t understand what you meant until seeing the pictures. Can I ask how deep (approx) the boys’ drawers are?
Sunshine says
Great idea!
Kierst says
Oh, I’m definitely going to do that with the kids drawers. They’re such a mess! Thanks for the idea. Plus, now you can always see everything without rummaging through it all. I love it.
Crystal Hendrix says
That is such a great idea!! That always happens to me too!! I will have to do that now!
Scrappy Gifts says
Wow – wish I thought of that – see you’re not the only one!
Sara Emily says
WOW!! Very cool! I think I’m going to have to overhaul our drawers…
The Mac's House says
Excellent idea! Thanks for the helpful tip. I am definitely going to try this so just that you know that you’re not the only one living under a rock apparently I am too. LOL 🙂
Lynne says
I’ve never tried this! What an AHA moment! Great idea! Thanks!
Little Miss Crafty Pants says
OH my goodness. You lived in Kodiak? We lived in Kenai on the peninsula for a few years (And can’t wait to move back), but now we’re in north pole alaska. Did you know Sheriden Heinrichs. Or the old Radio announcer who was LDS?
My husbands a trooper and he thinks Kodiak would be a fun post.
I love your blog and have been following it for some time now. If you’re ever interested in a blog swap, let me know!
Lisa F says
I have done this with my clothes forever! Haven’t done it with my jeans, but need to because I have so many! Looks much cleaner!!!!
JustJenn says
Actually,that is a fantastic idea! I will have to try it ASAP!