Monster stuff in May? Did I get ahead of myself and post 5 months early? Nope! Aaron’s kindergarten class did a Monster unit right before school got out. Monster activities, snacks, costumes, movie, games, etc. It was a blast!
The kids were asked to dress in costume and we didn’t have any monster themed outfits for him to wear. The night before costume day, I sat down and added a bit of life to this stained t-shirt.
I used felt scraps. I began cutting and sewing, cutting and sewing…about 30 minutes later I had this tee and matching eye ball headband for him to wear. He loved it and I loved that this old shirt looked new again. Projects like these are fun. No pattern….just go with it!
I bought a bag of chocolate eye balls after Halloween since I knew that his class would be doing Monster week in the spring time. Talk about the easiest cupcakes E.V.E.R! They were super fun and quick to make.
And here is out goofy little monster all ready for school! He had a GREAT week and loved seeing all of the costumes that day. Including his teacher with feathers and a tail 😉
Those cupcakes are adorable (so is the shirt!) Just found your blog and am loving it! Following you now.