Cub Scouts Banquet and Pinewood Derby Ideas
With 2 fun events for Cub Scouts happening this time of year, I thought I’d share a few ideas for derby treats and banquet cakes. Enjoy!
I made this cake for a Blue & Gold banquet two years ago and it was so much fun to do. It was also a
pretty big hit among the kids. They kept comparing their uniforms to the cake 🙂
These were made with 2x4s and rubber ducks from Oriental Trading!
Another idea for derby “trophies”.
Derrick was the cub master for a couple of years and would bring activities to keep the siblings entertained too. For the derby, he brought car stickers from Oriental Trading and blank paper. The kids had fun designing little race cars with the stickers.
Another time for the banquet dinner he asked everyone to bring cardboard boxes and the kids decorated them while the parents listened to the “Friends of Scouting” presentation. Later that night they ran around the gym, racing them. They LOVED that!
Another cake idea. This was actually pretty simple to make! The sprinkles were a fun touch and look like fans in the audience.
Our troop did a kid’s cake activity every year. The boys each brought a cake and it was used for dessert. They had fun trying each others cakes. So if your troop does this or is thinking about starting a new tradition, here are some cakes that are easy for kids to make. The link below will take you to the post with a ton of kid-friendly ideas!
And when your Scout grows up and moves onto Boy Scouts, here is a way to display all of his awards, belt loops, and patches! Dallin made this with my husband last year. It was a great project to work on together!
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