Serving Others With Mr. Grinch
With the Holiday Season upon us, our thoughts are easily turned towards serving others. I thought it would be fun to create a Family Home Evening lesson on it.
We watched a couple of short video clips on serving others. One video especially touched me and the kids really enjoyed it too. It is called “The Coat”.
Apparently we aren’t the only ones it touched. A group of young girls saw it and decided to take that spirit of giving from the movie and start a coat drive for the needy. They went door to door in their area, in the snow and rain, collecting coats.
After we watched the videos we talked about serving others and the scripture found in Mosiah 2:17. I saw a Dr. Seuss birthday party idea on Pinterest with a “Pin the Heart on the Grinch” game. Someone even suggested you could use it for a good deeds chart for Christmas. I thought the kids would love that!
So earlier in the day I drew a picture of the Grinch on a piece of poster board, and added a scripture (Mosiah 2:17) on serving our fellow men. We talked about who our fellow men are. Our friends, our family, even strangers.
I cut out a bunch of hearts and told the kids that every time they did something nice to serve one of their “fellow men” that they could put a heart on the Grinch. It would be our family challenge to see how many hearts we could put on him by the end of the year.
By the end of Family Home Evening the spirit of service was already buzzing inside our home. I was washing the table off and noticed Kaylee running over with a wet wipe to help me. Soon Aaron came and we were all three washing the table. Kaylee also rounded up some dirty diapers that hadn’t been brought down from upstairs and threw them away. Aaron put toothpaste on Kaylee’s tooth brush and turned the water on for her. Dallin started a load of laundry and helped straighten up the house. All without being asked. And that was the catch. I told them that SERVICE is doing something for someone else without being paid or asked to do it. You do it because you love them.
Mr. Grinch is looking better already, don’t you think?
Lovely post and Mr. Grinch looks fabulous!