Tried and True Cleaning Hacks
Best Stain Remover
(It works on darks too but definitely do separate pots since the darks will obviously bleed). Let clothes sit submerged in water for 5-10 minutes then dump water and clothes into the washing machine and wash as usual. If it’s something really soiled, you may have to repeat the process one more time. I’ve never had to. I share more on this technique in this post.
When doing the stain remover please note that when you add the oxiclean it will bubble up. So if you have more than half the pot full it will over flow onto your stove.
I tried many many different diapers before I decided on these. I like them because (1) they are the only ones out of all the others that I tried that held everything in and were super-absorbant for nighttime and (2) fit my big baby better than their same size competitors. If you have a large baby, these fit well. My baby also used to poop right out of other diapers and these actually contain it!
honest diapers
Great post – have pinned it, Alice @ Mums Make Lists
As a mom of 3 and soon to be 4 this is a great post! Very informative. Thanks for sharing. Stopping by from TT&J 🙂
I love making foaming soap – it saves a lot of money. Vinegar and baking soda are my faves too!