Group Games for Kids: Kick the Can (Our Version)
I remember playing this while camping with my family as a child. So much fun and the only equipment needed is a can of some sort! It is a combination of hide and seek and tag! There are several variations that include kids going to jail, calling out the name of kids as they find them, etc. Here is our version:
Group Games for Kids: Octopus
I hadn’t heard of this game until the kids taught us how to play it after playing it at their friend’s house. It’s fun and easy to learn!
Group Games for Kids: Sardines
Another fun game from my childhood! We recently played this with our church youth group and it was hilarious! It’s a reverse hide and go seek game. Instead of everyone hiding and one person looking for them, only one person hides and the group looks for them! You can see how playing this with 25-30 kids could have made that interesting. Especially when one of the kids decided to hide behind the curtains in one of the room. By the end there were over 20 kids hiding behind the curtains!
More fun electronic-free activities for kids:
Science Experiments Using Household Ingredients
What games do you remember playing with your friends as a child?
Did you know that 70% of moms played outside when they were kids but only 31% of their kids play outside today?
Whatever happened to play? When our parents sent us outside to play until the streetlights come on? To use our imaginations, get dirty, and explore the neighborhood with friends? Cliff Kid aims to bring playtime back.
Spud and Red Light, Green light were big when I was a child. I taught my kids how to play Spud and we would go out back in our yard and play it. My 6 boys played outside all summer long as well as all the other seasons. We lived on a farm and that kept the boys busy as well. Plenty of places to play!